Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Flight out of San Fran

Bom dia (good morning) everyone!!!

My wonderful sisters, my parents, my nephews, our friends Matt and Dee Dee hung out with us last night...We stayed up all night as much as we could so that I could be more tired on the 10 hr flight to Sao Paulo from Texas. I am hoping I'll sleep the whole time. :) We shall see.

 We made it to the airport today thanks to my sis. We are energized with surgary doughnuts, and yummy milk, and great conversation topics.

We made it through the check in stations. We were nervous this morning, but as everything is drawing near we are becoming more calm. I felt a very warm feeling from Heavenly Father that everything is going to be okay and I felt it fill me up like a big hug. We also checked in along with two Brazilians who have been living in California. They are on the same flight up until Sao Paulo. They are from Curitiba. We are enjoying spending time with them as we are waiting in the airport. Their English is muito bom (very good) spoken.We are friends with them on Facebook and look forward to continuing our friendship with them. I am very excited. We hope to spend time and do some tourist spots in Brazil with them. We will be arriving in Texas in a few hours, so stay tuned...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Test run...come along

Hey everyone! It's Em here!

I plan to record our adventure in Brazil and hope you will come along with us as we journey throughout our days in Brazil. We hope you will laugh with us, cry with us, and enjoy the memories we will be building as we are there. As we do so, please feel free to leave comments or questions on the blog, on facebook, or even email us. We would love to hear from all of you! I hope to be consistent with the blog by updating it each week. I will be posting a small blurb about what is going on along with pictures and videos. We will be updating soon! 

Stay in tune for Day 1: the flight into Brazil...